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Author Visits

For me, one of the greatest gifts of being an author is engaging with readers. Particularly as a YA author, there's nothing better than speaking with teens, college students, and educators about the craft of writing, my journey as an author, the role of reading and writing in education, and the importance of literacy and representation for all.

If you have a class, school, book club, or nonprofit organization that would be interested in an author visit, presentation, signing, or some combination, please reach out. To quote The Legend of Zelda, "It's dangerous to go alone!" And we don't have to. That's the beauty of it.

Testimonials from Educators

Bill Neumire, English Teacher

Jiordan Castle was awesome enough to visit our reading series and share with our students. As a small school with a big imagination, we actively seek voices from the larger world. We had a packed library of 7th-12th grade students who listened as Jiordan read selections from her YA memoir in verse Disappearing Act, interspersing anecdotes and heartfelt moments about growing up with a parent in prison, about writing difficult family stories, about negotiating friendships and relationships. During and after the reading, she warmly answered students' questions, and encouraged a few teenage writers. All in all, it was a reminder that education and writing are, at core, about bringing people together in conversation, in humanity.

Caitlin Boyle, Librarian

I’m a librarian in a public high school in suburban Philadelphia, and I had the privilege of hosting an author visit with Jiordan. As an author, Jiordan is honest, mesmerizing, and talented; as an in-person presenter, Jiordan is even better. In her presentation, Jiordan discussed how she became a poet and the road to becoming a published author as well as what it’s like to discover a love of books and reading in the midst of a challenging family situation. She spoke with humor and heart, and the students loved meeting her because of her authenticity and approachability. Jiordan even led the students through a writing exercise she often uses.


After her presentation, Jiordan stayed to greet over 100 students who couldn’t wait for her to sign their copies of Disappearing Act. She spent time chatting with each student, answering their questions and giving advice. Many chose to share how her memoir resonated with them, some describing stories similar to hers, which I attribute to the rapport Jiordan developed in the brief time she was with our students. Before the end of the day, numerous students came up to me, asking if Jiordan could visit again after she finished her next book. They described her as “cool, engaging, and enthusiastic.” Meeting an author in-person is a special experience for young readers, but feeling connected to an author and feeling safe to share their own stories because of her writing and demeanor is unforgettable, for both the students and for me as an educator. I cannot recommend a school visit with Jiordan highly enough. She is an advocate for young adult literature and a true gem in the Philadelphia writing community.

Theresa DeFrancis, Ph.D., English Professor

I am a professor of English Education at Salem State University in Salem, MA. A colleague of mine recommended a text for a Young Adult Literature Graduate class: Disappearing Act. I read it, loved it, and put it on the syllabus for my Spring 2024 class. Then I went to Jiordan Castle’s website and saw an appeal to students and teachers encouraging us to contact her. So I did! Best decision EVER! I shared that her book was on my syllabus and invited her to come to class the night we discussed it. Jiordan quickly responded, accepting the invitation. One of my students was assigned to lead the discussion of Disappearing Act, so I asked Jiordan if I could give her contact information to my student. Jiordan enthusiastically said YES! My student shared her ideas for the class with Jiordan: first half of class would focus on discussing the book, the second half would focus on Jiordan’s writing process, career, and anything else students were interested in asking her. My students were beyond thrilled when I told them that Jiordan would be joining our class.


The excitement on Zoom was palpable the night of class. Jiordan mostly listened during the students’ intense, focused, rich discussion. Then she talked about her career, publishing, writing, family, and other topics. An onlooker would have thought she was a member of the class. There is no pomposity in Jiordan. Instead, there is warmth, honesty, shared experiences, and a sense of humor. Give yourself and your students the gift of an author sharing her work and herself. You won’t regret it, and your students will love you for it!

© Jiordan Castle

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